This immune-boosting soup is a go-to for Chef Lena, and she loves to make for herself and loved ones in the colder months. It is as hearty and cozy as it is nourishing and satiating, and also happens to be fiber-packed and high in plant protein. Made with fresh herbs, seasonal vegetables, tender lentils and Chef's homemade broth, it's a clean choice for people with sensitivities, too. Serve it as is or with a piece of crusty baguette and a drizzle of olive oil.
Nutritional facts
Black PepperBay LeafKosher SaltSageRosemaryGarlicGluten free Rolled OatsExtra Virgin Olive OilBrown LentilsFennelCeleryCarrotsOnionButternut Squash
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Lena Elkousy is a plant-based holistic foods chef, health coach, and yoga teacher. She started her restaurant culinary career in LA in 2004, and then worked as a private chef and caterer for high profile clientele beginning in 2008 in Malibu and Hollywood. Lena began her journey into the world of culinary healing upon moving to New York and studying health coaching through the Institute for Integrative Nutrition in 2012. She believes that food is fuel, and not all calories are created equal— putting in calories that “burn clean”, and have anti-inflammatory properties will make you feel energized, and improve your digestion, mood, and overall health. She cooks with functional foods—meaning that the ingredients have nutritional benefits and have been prepared in a way in which these are bio-available, and are seasonal, local, organic, and carbon-neutral. She has healed herself and witnessed many clients and friends recover from “chronic” and “auto-immune” illnesses, which are more frequently than not caused by inflammation triggered by toxins in food and/or unknown food sensitives. By eliminating many of these toxins and allergens, using as many fresh, medicinal ingredients as possible, and making everything from scratch, Chef Lena’s food is nutrient rich, delicious, creative, and makes you feel good. Lena is Egyptian American, and has been traveling internationally with culinary adventure and curiosity her whole life, and this adventurousness is reflected in her unique cuisine. Lena has also been studying and practicing yoga for over a decade, and teaching since 2014. She leads retreats domestically and abroad, encompassing her passion for holistic lifestyle through yoga, cooking workshops, nutrition, nature, and mindfulness. She loves spending her free time gardening and traveling. Lena is currently based between NYC and the UK.
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